● Partners(No regional independent legal entity)
Clearing Institution:
The only organization within the network that was initiated and established by a number of important participants. It is responsible for forwarding messages, clearing business, clearing and clearing network operations within the network.
Settlement Bank:
Some banks within the network and should be audited by GSN institution to participate in function of fund settlement among co-operate banks' reserve funds; Settlement banks are also could be cooperate banks. Connected to network directly.
Cooperate Bank:
Some cooperate banks are listed in the network directly or indirectly. these banks are responding to client settlement, business message sending and receiving, internal account processing and so on.
Indirect Participants:
Commercial banks with GSN institution number but haven't join the GSN clearing network yet. These banks also have funds transfer and other service through processing by cooperate banks.
● Settlement Mode
Timed multilateral netting settlement mode, timed matching assistance
Use the cooperative bank's settlement account (reserve account) in the settlement bank for each currency to perform actual fund delivery. The GSN clearing agency acts as an agent to control the GSN available quota of each participant.
Load balance (Available Credits on GSN) + Available Balance = Settlement Account Balance
● No limitation on supporting currencies.
● No limitation on supporting global settlement.